Visit our Learners' Lounge for a Cuppa!
In order to enhance the comfort of our staff working in and visiting the Training and Development Centre, Burnley General Teaching Hospital, the centre has a small snack bar/café called the Learners’ Lounge, situated on the first floor which provides a seating area and refreshments including hot and cold drinks, fruit, healthy snacks, crisps, chocolate and biscuits for staff working and attending training in the centre.
This service has proved extremely popular and feedback indicates that staff really value this service. The café is currently manned by four wonderful Trust volunteers who cover Monday to Wednesday. The café is currently run on a self-service basis on a Thursday and Friday with an honesty box for staff to make the appropriate contribution for their purchase.
Our Leaners' Lounge situated on the first floor of the Training and Dvelopment Centre, Burnley General Teaching Hospital
Our Learners' Lounge volunteers and staff of the Training and Development Centre hold a charity tea party to celebrate 70 years of the NHS and raise funds for ELHT&Me
Our Learners' Lounge Trust volunteers win a Star Award for their services to supporting staff visiting the Lounge and the Training and Development Centre!