Local Induction Process
The Trust expects the new starter to take responsibility for ensuring that the local induction (and checklist) is completed (in partnership with their line manager) during their first month of work, or as soon as possible i.e. on the first day/shift if a short-term temporary placement. Here is a brief guide to completing the checklist:
There is NO requirement to return a copy of the checklist to Education and Development Department
PLEASE NOTE: The new starter's compliance will not be updated on the Learning Hub until the self-declaration has been successfully completed.
- Print a blank Local Induction Checklist from the Learning Hub (log into your account and type 'Local induction - self-declaration' into the search box on the home page)
- For Agency and Bank staff use the Temporary Staff Local Induction Checklist
- Go through the checklist with the line manager (or nominated deputy)
- Once both the new starter and the manager agree that all elements on the checklist have been adequately covered, both the new starter and manager should sign off and date each item on the checklist
- A paper copy of the completed local induction checklist should be filed in the new starter's personal folder in the department
- Finally, THE NEW STARTER should log into their Learning Hub account, type 'Local induction - self-declaration of completion' into the search box on the home page, and complete the Self-Declaration questions in order to register completion of their local induction checklist and for their compliance to be recorded
There is NO requirement to return a copy of the checklist to Education and Development Department
PLEASE NOTE: The new starter's compliance will not be updated on the Learning Hub until the self-declaration has been successfully completed.