Available courses include:
· Venepuncture · Cannulation · Electrocardiogram recording (ECG) · Male Catheterisation · Tracheostomy Care · Intravenous Therapies · Acute Illness Management (AIM) All courses are booked via the Learning Hub. For further information contact: [email protected] |
A programme of simulation-based training to assist the learner in preparation for the NMC test of competence part 2 (Objective Structured Clinical Examination—OSCE). Based on the Royal Marsden guidelines, skills include:
A wide range of courses offered in line with the U.K Resus Council includes:
The space is ideal for the delivery of Objective Structural Clinical Examinations (OSCE).
ormative and Summative Examinations are held several times a year. Examiner training is held within the trust, for more information contact [email protected] |
The Clinical Simulation Theatre Suite offers an ideal opportunity for multiple learner groups to experience immersive learning by allowing them to develop experience of specific situations.
Whether these are in-training learner groups or already experienced staff members the opportunities are vast. Operating theatres are known to present a unique working environment, but by utilising this facility learners can experience and develop in a supportive environment. For further information contact [email protected] or [email protected] |
The Work Based Education Team (WBET) work closely with schools, colleges and 6th Forms delivering:
For further information contact [email protected] |