Dietician Apprenticeship Standard – Integrated Assessment Plan Submitted
The Integrated End-Point Assessment Plan for Dietitian has been submitted to the Institute for Apprenticeships & Technical Education in March 2021. The short consultation on the Assessment Plan will be available using this link. For more information on the changes to end-point assessment plans in use for the HCPC regulated occupations including Dietitian, please use this link. IFATE List of Apprenticeships with Temporary Discretions or Flexibilities The updated list of apprenticeships with temporary discretions or flexibilities is available using this link. New Edition of SEEC Credit Level Descriptors For further information and to access the Consultation on revised Credit Level Descriptors for Higher Education please use this link. Mammography Associate Apprenticeship Guidance - Reminder HEE have developed some guidance documents to support employers plan, develop and recruit mammography associate apprentices. For further information and to access the guidance documents please use this link. Mammography Apprenticeship St Georges have a new cohort for the L4 Mammography Associate Practitioner Apprenticeship course scheduled for the week beginning 26th April. This will be delivered virtually so is available to all employers nationally. Any employers who are interested should contact Claire Borrelli on [email protected] for further details. EPA Assessors for L4 Mammography Due to anticipated demand for the L4 Mammography Associate Apprenticeship in the coming years, Pearson are keen to have a bank of trained EPA assessors with the clinical expertise available to deliver nationally. Full training is given and more details can be found here :- Mammography Assessor JD Please contact Andy Pollard on [email protected] if you are interested or require further information. Healthcare Science Apprenticeships - HASO Resource - Reminder We have developed a new range of resources and infographics, available using this link, which showcase the healthcare Science Apprenticeship career pathway. A graphic has also been developed (attached) to advertise Healthcare Science Week. ESFA Update – Updated Apprenticeship Rules The ESFA have released the latest version of the apprenticeship funding rules. Please use this link for further information. National Numeracy Day 2021 Health Education England is delighted to be a lead supporter of National Numeracy Day for the fourth year running. The National Numeracy Day unique virtual festival on 19th May, aims to help the nation recover from Covid-19, at work, home and school with a host of free online events, videos and resources including practical advice from celebrities and experts and inspirational stories from real-life learners. HEE and National Numeracy invites you to join an online presentation to learn more about how you too can get involved. We are running three sessions (three of the same session) in April to discuss the work National Numeracy do, National Numeracy Day itself and how NHS organisations can get involved. The dates and times for these sessions are below, please reply to [email protected] stating which one you would like to attend, and we will send you the relevant invite. Please note these sessions will take place via Microsoft Teams:
BAME Apprenticeship Awards – Nominations Open - Reminder Nominations for the BAME Apprenticeship Awards are now open. For further information and to make a nomination: The nomination deadline is 30th April 2021. Save the Date - NHS RoATP Reapplication Webinar - Tuesday 20th April 10am – 11am - Reminder The ESFA have confirmed that they will be implementing a series of changes to the register of apprenticeship training provider, this includes existing RoATP providers who will need to reapply to the register under a new set of criteria. This will take effect from May 2021. To support employers who will be reapplying HEE will be sponsoring a free AELP webinar – please save the date and booking details will follow shortly. RCSLT and HEE SLT apprenticeships workshop - Thursday 29th April - Reminder The speech and language therapy apprenticeship is coming in 2022! If you’re interested in employing SLT apprentices or simply want to know more about your role as an employer and how it could work, please register your details using this link. Healthcare Science Apprenticeships – Survey Open
A survey has been developed by the Healthcare Science Trailblazer group to explore if the current healthcare science apprenticeships:
ESFA Funding Rules - Updated Apprenticeship Funding Rules 2020 to 2021 Version 3 of the ESFA Apprenticeship Funding Rules 2020 to 2021 have been published. Version 3 is available using this link. These documents set out the rules for apprenticeship funding, including the evidence required to support it and apply to apprenticeship starts from 1 August 2020. The rules are being updated to reflect the extension of the incentive payment for hiring a new apprentice, as well as some other clarifications. They should be read alongside the apprenticeship response to coronavirus (COVID-19) as some of these flexibilities are continuing. The changes we have made are detailed in the summary of changes which can be found on the apprenticeship funding rules page on GOV.UK. ESFA Update – January 2021 - Reminder Please use this link to access the January 2021 ESFA Update. Consultation – Assistant Practitioner Apprenticeship Standard The Assistant Practitioner apprenticeship standard is now due for revision; a consultation survey has now opened and is available using this link. The survey will close on 31 March at lunchtime. NHS Project Futures Apprenticeships Please find attached the documents for the NHS Project Futures Apprenticeships including the employer guide, a summary document, slides from the event that was help this week and an overall infographic. Potential apprentices are asked to complete the an EOI form online. If you have any questions please get in touch. Apprenticeship Tips – 5 resource packs published To celebrate National Apprenticeship Week this year, we have put together 5 resource packs for managers to use with their staff/apprentices. The resource packs are available using this link. National Work Experience Network Update The national forum is for anyone working within the work experience area, at HEE or related employer (NHS). It aims to provide a space to enable and facilitate national, regional and local engagement, consultation, and collaboration to support the delivery and management of work experience.
• With Springpod, we have secured agreement for the use of an 80:20 model. As long as there is 80% material that has already been developed and paid for, you can use this free of charge, and pay a 20% development fee, plus the onboarding of students, etc. Please refer to the link Pricing Calculator • Pathway have agreed to an economies of scale model • Uptree has agreed to a 50 % reduction on all their products The team supporting the network are:
Apprenticeship Programme response to COVID-19 - New FSQ Flexibilities Published A new version of the Apprenticeship Programme response to COVID-19 has been published. The new guidance can found on the apprenticeship programme response page. This version contains one main change: from 25 February, eligible apprentices can start their EPA before they achieve their functional skills qualifications if they have been waiting for the opportunity to access functional skills assessments but have been prevented from doing so due to coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions. Please see p18 for details of who’s eligible. EPA revisions - six fully integrated EPAs published Further to the announcement in October that IFATE is simplifying how end-point assessment (EPA) is carried out for regulated occupations, a range of EPA plans have now been revised. This change makes use of robust assessment where it already exists and ensures that the EPA is best serving employers and apprentices, as well as protecting public funds. The standards included are:
Senior Healthcare Support Worker (Theatre Support option) - Call for volunteers We are currently looking for a handful of volunteers to join the sub-group revising the Theatre Support option in the Senior Healthcare Support Worker Apprenticeship Standard. If your organisation employs these apprentices and you would be interested in sending a representative to attend a couple of team calls, please email us at [email protected] Apprenticeships standards versioning – new status report The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education (IFATE) has published the first Revisions Status Report. This new report will be updated every eight weeks to show which live standards have entered IFATE’s formal revisions process, and the stage they are at in that process. This regular dissemination of information aims to prewarn the sector that new versions are upcoming so it can prepare accordingly, and allow IFATE to consult the sector on the appropriate notice period for each version change. Managing Prior Learning Effectively for NHS Apprenticeship and Workforce Development Teams Webinar Please register for the Managing Prior Learning Effectively for NHS Apprenticeship and Workforce Development Teams. This webinar, funded by HEE, is open to all NHS Trusts and will take place on 9th March, 2021 at 10am. Webinar Overview: All training providers and employers need to interpret the funding rules on prior learning in the context of their delivery model, particularly in the context of the NHS where many learners will have experiential learning. This includes how prior learning may affect the funding levels and the pattern of delivery. Booking: Please use this link to book a place. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing the joining instructions. This has been set up as webcast so will connect via a browser and no need to download or install software. If you register and cannot attend you will be sent the recording. Consultation – Assistant Practitioner Apprenticeship Standard - Reminder The Assistant Practitioner apprenticeship standard is now due for revision; a consultation survey has now opened and is available using this link. The survey will close on 31 March at lunchtime. ODP Apprenticeship Employer Review Group Following on from the ODP employer engagement event before Christmas, we are holding an employer review group in order to develop employer requirements in relation to the ODP Apprenticeship. This information will then be used to support the procurement of the ODP Apprenticeship for the North West. The review group will take place on 24th March 2021, 10am – 12pm. If you are interested in taking part please contact [email protected]. Please do encourage any ODP professionals in your organisation to take part if they are able to. Healthcare Science Apprenticeships Employer Engagement Event
A Healthcare Science Apprenticeship Event will take place on 11th February 2021. There are already many different options for Healthcare Science Apprenticeships; to find out more about how Apprenticeships could benefit your organisation, please join us at the event. Commissioning Trailblazer Group - CCG's needed The Trailblazer Group for a proposed Public Service Commissioner (Level 4) and Strategic Public Service Commissioner (Level 6) require more NHS employer representation on the group, particularly CCG’s where these roles would typically sit. These roles are cross sector but in the NHS would focus on commissioning health and public health services across a region or STP. If anyone is interested in being involved, please contact Martin Satchwell on [email protected], and copy in Lucy Hunte on [email protected]. NHS Employers Conference – Save the Date NHS Employers will be hosting The NHS and The Prince’s Trust: Building your workforce on 24 March 2021 at 10am-3pm. Please save the date – further details including booking options will follow later this month. Apprenticeship Guidance for wider primary and community healthcare teams in Dental, Pharmacy and Optometry – Published Health Education England have developed a guidance booklet that will provide you with an overview of the apprenticeships you can use in dental practices, opticians and pharmacists and provide useful hints and tips on how to start recruiting apprentices to your business. The booklet is available using this link. Post-16 Qualifications at Level 3 and Below - Second Stage Consultation Event The Department for Education (DfE) is reviewing post-16 qualifications at level 3 and below, to ensure that every qualification approved for public funding has a distinct purpose, is high quality and supports progression to positive outcomes. Their aim is for clearer qualifications choices for young people and adults. They want students and employers to have confidence that every qualification on offer is high quality and can lead to skilled employment or further study. Following the launch of the second stage consultation on post-16 qualifications at level 3, DfE is keen to engage with a wide range of stakeholders and gather as many views and inputs as possible. To support this they are holding a further consultation event on Monday 11 January. To find out more and sign up for the event please click use this link. The Future of Management Apprenticeships Survey CMI currently have a survey in the field that has been designed to help them capture the impact that apprentices have on organisations in advance of this year's National Apprenticeship Week (8-14 Feb). Please use this link to complete the survey before 5pm on Wednesday 13th January which aims to help bolster the case for retaining (and properly funding) management apprenticeship provision. survey about the future of management apprenticeships. NHS Project Futures Festival ’21 - Connect, explore, learn and be inspired at the NHS Project Futures Festival ’21! · Online 8 to 12 February - This week-long virtual event offers you a fantastic opportunity to learn about the values, behaviours and capabilities needed to deliver successful change in the volatile and uncertain world of the future. You’ll be able to connect with leaders in their field, learn about the latest innovations, and explore new resources. And, of course, network and share best practice with other project professionals across the NHS. · Headline speakers - Headline speakers include Health Education England’s Chief Executive, Dr Navina Evans, who will be launching the five-day event and Fiona Spencer, Director of Function, Profession and Standards at the Infrastructure and Projects Authority, who will be speaking about ‘The Project Profession in the Public Sector’. · Interactive workshops, masterclasses and more! - Learn how to ‘cause good trouble’ with Alex Barker, author of the blueprint for collective change book, ‘How to Be More Pirate’. Participate in a masterclass on the ‘Future of Work’ in the new world with Professor Eddie Obeng, dynamic TED talk presenter and founder of Pentacle, the Virtual Business School. · Be inspired by the compelling storyteller Stephen Carver, Senior Lecturer at Cranfield Business School, in his session on 'Strategic Leadership of Complex Programmes'. There are plenty of other topics and themes to discover and explore, such as nomadic leadership and shared wisdom with Anthony Willoughby, applied neuroscience for embedding change, agile change management, and equality, diversity and inclusion in project management. Solve real-world NHS problems in the five-day Lego Serious Play Hackathon, and find out about the launch of the NHS Project & Change Capability Framework, the PMO toolkit and four NHS-wide project apprenticeships. And finally, enjoy the Festival wrap party and award ceremony Friday afternoon! · Schedule – The schedule is attached so you can check up on all the opportunities on offer - whatever stage you’re at in your career, you’re sure to find something to interest you! · Registration - Don’t miss out! Register now to secure your place at the NHS Project Futures Festival ‘21, 8 to 12 February. Higher Development Award · The Higher Development Award (HDA) is a personal development programme for Support Workers that enables Clinical and Non-Clinical Support Workers from all sectors to “Be the best and acknowledge potential”. This link provides further information. Health Education England will be holding a Higher Development Award information webinar on 29th January, please contact the Talent for Care team [email protected] if you would like to attend or find out more information. Apprenticeship Service Agreement · Following the announcement to extend incentive payments for hiring a new apprentice until end March 2021, the ESFA Apprenticeship Agreement for Employers has been updated. The latest version of the agreement will be available for employers to accept through their apprenticeship service account from 1 February 2021. Employers will need to accept the latest agreement if they wish to apply for incentive payments for apprentices who start their apprenticeship between 1 February 2021 and 31 March 2021, where they are eligible to do so. Skills for jobs – Lifelong Learning for Opportunity and Growth Skills for jobs white paper has been published setting out reforms to post-16 technical education and training to support people to develop the skills needed to get good jobs and improve national productivity. The paper outlines how the Government proposes to support people to develop the skills they need to get good jobs, including measures to: · give employers a greater say in the development of skills · provide higher level technical skills · provide a flexible, lifetime skills guarantee · simplify and reform funding and accountability for providers · support outstanding teaching For further information is available using this link. Review of Post-18 Education and Funding Interim consultation has been published and is available using this link. IfATE – List of Standards with Flexibilities Please use this link for a list of all apprenticeship standards with temporary discretions or other flexibilities Virtual National Health Careers Live Event -Sat 7th November 2020 AHP Live Stage - Recordings Now Available The recordings from the Virtual National Health Careers Live Event on Sat 7th Nov ember 2020 AHP Live Stage are now available for use at; to access the recordings please follow the AHP Careers Live Talks link. The page includes a short after show video, separate links to 8 themed career sessions and the AHP keynote speech introducing the AHPs. Please do share the links to these recordings with your local AHP Leads and Career Leads. Webinar - How Can Apprenticeships Help Build Data Analytics and AI Skills Capability in Your Organisation? Data and AI skills are a priority for senior leaders and management across organisations. In this webinar, Dr Raoul-Gabriel Urma, CEO of Cambridge Spark, will outline the data skills needed for different roles across organisations as well as the learning pathways available to upskill your employees through Apprenticeships (L3 Data Technician, L4 Data Analyst, L7 AI Data Specialist). This webinar will review case studies of how current data science apprentices are applying their new skills to deliver on business objectives. Date: 11th February Time: 12.30 pm - 1:15 pm Sign up here to join the webinar. Providing Apprenticeships During the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak Guidance Update Please use this link for the updated Government’s guidance on providing apprenticeships during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. |
AuthorHealth Education England |