You may know about the upcoming extreme heat. This news post lists further resources that may be useful, whether you are an ELHT colleague or not. Find more information from the Met Office (meteorological, for weather) here:
Other government organisations have relevant advice.
Thank you for your preparation. Look after yourselves as best you can! We recently said goodbye at Judith's retirement from the Library team, after 19 years.
She's off to travel and enjoy time with her family! Judith has been enthusiastically looking after the DERI website for many years. A new team is now responsible for this website, with more details to follow. Thank you again Judith for your substantial work for the Trust and as a kind person. We wish you all the best! Good luck with the walking photo map. (Give us details when you can -- some of us get very lost and need the guidance!) The Directorate of Education, Research and Innovation are privileged to have facilitated the 8th cohort of Princes Trust work placements. Many thanks to all of the departments that have supported our recent cohort of Prince’s Trust young people.
Through their dedication and commitment, 6 young people completed the 4 week programme. Of those, all 6 have gained employment, 5 on the ELHT Staff Bank and 1 is progressing to a Kickstart placement in the Pathology Lab. The young people participated in the programme and commenced with full Trust induction then a 4 week work placement in various areas including Patient Services, Finance, pathology lab and Catering. They also completed employability skills training. The celebration event was attended by Tony McDonald, Executive Director of Integrated Care, Partnerships and Resilience at ELHT, he presented certificates and spoke of the positive impact the young people are making at the Trust. The young people bravely delivered a speech reflecting on their experiences in trying to gain employment and how the scheme had benefitted them. We look forward to welcoming the next cohort who will be commencing work placements on 22nd November 2021. If your area would like to offer a young person the opportunity to experience your department with the possibility of future employment including Bank shifts or a Kickstart placement please contact Sue Lang – 01254 733027 [email protected] Can you spare 15 minutes to complete a questionnaire and improve our understanding of how coronavirus and the lockdown may affect mental health and wellbeing? The survey is open to anyone aged 16 years and over. The project is led by NHS colleagues at Southern Health and has full Health Research Authority approval. Taking part is completely voluntary.
You can take the survey online: Please select East Lancashire Hospitals NHS Trust when completing the survey. The Cardiology Diagnostic team has received an award of 2 fully funded echocardiographer training places from Health Education England.
This is a testament to the high-quality service provided in the department and the standard of the training done under the echocardiographer lead, Manjula Sreedharan. On 25/2/2021 Lancaster University hosted an Academic Clinical Symposium for both academic clinical fellows and academic foundation doctors across the North West. The annual event facilitates both networking and the presentation of research as well as talks from inspiring academics about their careers. This year it was held online and presenters delivered their theses via Zoom. A research project currently in its third cycle assessing Wellbeing in Foundation Doctors, led by AFPs Dr Nikhita Handa and Dr Sanjeev Pramanik, supervised by Miss Suzanne Gawne, was awarded first prize at the symposium in the Foundations Doctors Category and as the Overall Symposium Winner. The presentation detailed the ongoing work, born out of the Covid pandemic, to regularly evaluate wellbeing and openly provide a forum for discussion anonymously where foundation doctors at ELHT can highlight wellbeing issues and feed these directly to their foundation team. This was initiated alongside discussions with the ELHT Wellbeing Team. It is hoped this will continue as a method to share information to the foundation leads via foundation representatives. Their aim is to roll this project our regionally with support from Lancaster University and Health Education England as its utility with the large foundation doctor cohort at ELHT has been recognised.